Sheikh Imran Hosein exclusive interview: “Muslims must stop using US Dollar” (I)

Authors: Mohamed El-Ghazi, M. Aït Amara 
Algeriepatriotique: It has already been some years since you have predicted the decline of the world’s financial system that is based on fiat money. Could you please elaborate and provide our audience with your vision on how a Muslim nation can get out of that fraudulent system?
Sheikh Imran Hosein: Assalaamu ‘alaikum!
I am so happy to be talking tonight with Algeria – Bilad al-Mujahidin.

Authors: Mohamed El-Ghazi, M. Aït Amara 
Algeriepatriotique: It has already been some years since you have predicted the decline of the world’s financial system that is based on fiat money. Could you please elaborate and provide our audience with your vision on how a Muslim nation can get out of that fraudulent system?
Sheikh Imran Hosein: Assalaamu ‘alaikum!
I am so happy to be talking tonight with Algeria – Bilad al-Mujahidin.
I am also delighted with your question concerning ‘money today’. It is music in my ears to hear you describe it as a fraudulent monetary system because, unfortunately, the ‘Ulama of Islam have not yet come to that conclusion. The books of Fiqh which they study, do not deal with modern international monetary economics, and so they have no formal knowledge of the subject.
The ‘Ulama lack both the knowledge and the tools of analysis with which to be able to come to the conclusion that you have just arrived at, namely that the modern monetary system which emerged out of the Breton Woods Conference of 1944, and which collapsed in August 1971 and was then replaced by the petro-dollar monetary system, is bogus, fraudulent, and Haram, and functions as a vehicle for the progressive economic exploitation and financial enslavement of the masses around the world.
Unless and until the ‘Ulama of Islam study international monetary economics and summon the courage to stand up for truth and justice (al-M’aruf) while exposing and opposing all that is false and unjust (al-Munkar), it would remain impossible for Muslims to escape from this poisonous financial web which has been spun around us.
We need to confront our ‘Ulama in Egypt and elsewhere with the argument that the Shari’ah of Islam cannot be enforced unless and until we restore Dinar and Dirham as money, and we cannot restore Dinar and Dirham as money while yet we remain member-states of the International Monetary Fund. This is because the Articles of Agreement of the IMF, mysteriously so, prohibit the use of gold as money.
If the world is to ever know why the Zionist-fashioned IMF prohibited the use of gold as money, the question must be put to Dajjal, the false Messiah. He will explain that he wants to establish his rule over all of mankind, while ruling over Israel. Only thus can he convince the Jews that he is indeed the Messiah! Dajjal’s fraudulent monetary system cannot be established so long as gold is used as money. Dajjal needs a fraudulent monetary system so that he can reduce one part of the world to abject poverty and financial slavery, while enriching that part of the world which supports him and work for him. The supporters of Dajjal can be found today even amongst the rich elite within the Muslim world.
Secondly, if the ‘Ulama of Islam were to study international monetary economics and acquire the knowledge of this subject, they can then be persuaded to use religious arguments to mobilize the masses for such change as would restore Dinar and Dirham as money. This is possible because there are so many in the world of Islam who, even when they are secularized, even when they live the modern way of life, still have love in their hearts for Islam, for moral values, and for what is right and just, and who consequently oppose all that is false and unjust. Since love for Islam and for truth and justice still resides in their secularized hearts, it remains possible for us to penetrate their hearts with religious arguments.
Here is one such argument.
Mahmoud offers to pay to Ahmad, in Dinars or in Dirhams, an amount of money which is due in a business transaction between them. The ‘Ulama of Islam have an obligation to explain to Ahmad that if refuses to accept the Dinars or Dirhams in payment of the amount due, and demands instead to be paid in US dollars, Pakistani rupees or Indonesian rupees and so on, he would commit a sin for which he would have to answer on Judgment Day.
This is an argument which the ‘Ulama of Islam can use effectively to not only get the Muslim masses to acquire Dinars and Dirhams, but to also use them for buying and selling. The secular governments in the Muslim world that are obliged to uphold (Zionist) international law, cannot today defeat such a religious strategy when it is put to effective use by the ‘Ulama. Hence the State will not be able to prevent the wide-spread use of Dinar and Dirham as money in defiance of (Zionist) international law.
Thirdly, the ‘Ulama can use Surah al-Taubah to declare that whoever makes Haram that which Allah has made Halal (such as the use of Dinar and Dirham as money) would commit an act of Shirk, and that is the only sin that Allah Most High will never forgive. In addition, whoever accepts the IMF law prohibiting the use of gold as money, and then refrains from using gold as money, would also commit Shirk.
Fourthly, the ‘Ulama can declare, correctly so, that the removal of that ‘money’ which is located in both the Qur’an and Sunnah (i.e., Dinar and Dirham), and its replacement with the present bogus money, constitutes Bid’ah. Those who commit such reprehensible Bid’ah, as well as those who accept it, would both enter into the hell-fire.
Finally, we need to teach the subject of ‘money’ in Islam to the trade union movement who, when they get proper knowledge of the subject, would demand that workers be paid their wages in real money (i.e., Dinar and Dirhams) rather than crooked money. The leaders of the trade union movement, like the ‘Ulama of Islam, do not have knowledge of international monetary economics. And so they go into negotiations to demand wage increases. But when they win a wage increase, Dajjal uses inflation to decrease the value of the bogus money, and as money loses value it wipes out that increase in wages. The ‘Ulama need to wake up, and to recognize ‘inflation’ to be a form of Riba.
We all heard about Muammar Kaddafi’s project to institute the gold Dinar in Libya. Was this the reason for executing him or there is else?
Well, first of all, prior to the armed uprising in Libya, we were never told about Libyan plans and efforts for a return to gold Dinar as money. We did not know that Libya had a substantial amount of gold reserves in the country itself, which is a good sign.
The IMF did not just prohibit the use of gold as money. Rather the Articles of Agreement also required every member-State to deposit with the IMF (and this implied ultimately the US Federal Reserve Bank), 25% of their gold holdings. The Zionists crafted this law so that when member-States deposited that 25%, the Zionists would know how much gold a member-State possessed. The IMF also prohibited member-States from buying or selling gold without disclosure to the IMF. Where were the ‘Ulama of Islam when this satanic monetary system was being instituted? Were they relaxing and drinking coffee?
The Zionist then set the trap. What would a State do with its gold reserves when it could not be used as money? It is just lying in vaults. The IMF said “you can get IMF loans from us while using your gold as security for the loans. We will give you IMF loans at concessionary rates”. Member States then rushed blindly to deposit much of the rest of their gold with the Zionist-owned Federal Reserve Bank while accepting IMF loans on interest.
Thus did the Zionists cleverly succeed in getting physical control over most of the gold reserves of the world – except Libya’s gold.
Did our ‘Ulama ever wage a struggle against money being borrowed on interest from the IMF? Was it not Riba? Did Allah not prohibit Riba? Did Nabi Muhammad (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) not curse all those engaged in Riba as borrowers, lenders, etc?
Did the ‘Ulama of Islam ever ask the question – where was the IMF getting the money with which to offer loans at concessionary rates? The United States is the biggest contributor to the IMF. As result, the United States has a controlling interest in the IMF. The US dollar is a now a petro-dollar. It has no link to gold. All that USA needs in order to create an unlimited amount of money (the sky is the limit) is a printing press, paper and ink. That’s all. Can France, Germany, Britain, or anyone else create an unlimited amount of bogus money. No! Only USA’s Zionist-owned Federal Reserve Bank can do it. They print money out of thin-air, they create wealth out of thin air. Then, they offer to lend that bogus money to us on interest provided we offer your gold as security for the loan. So the trap was set. Member-States sent more and more of their gold to the Federal Reserve so that the 25% became 40, 50% and so on. We used our gold as security thinking that the gold is safe and that when we wanted it back they could get it back by simply paying the loan. Today, Germany is under pressure to bring back its gold to Germany. But the Federal Reserve and the IMF refused to release it. The German government then demanded an audit of its gold, just to confirm that it is there in New York. But the IMF refused to even audit the German gold. So, Kaddafi has to be credited if he did the sensible thing of bringing back much of Libya’s gold to Libya. Hugo Chavez is doing the same thing in Venezuela. The Algerian people must demand that their government bring their gold back to Algeria.
This is a sensible thing.
But we never heard of Libya’s plans to use gold as money, to restore Dinar and Dirham as a monetary system.
(To be followed)

Comment (6)

    31 janvier 2013 - 6 h 48 min

    @Horizon, merci pour votre

    @Horizon, merci pour votre commentaire. La version française est juste à côté de celle-ci, en Une. La version arabe est dans, vous pouvez y accéder en cliquant sur "arabe" en haut à droite, sur le site. Quant au "copié coller et le tour est joué", comme vous l'avez suggéré, ce serait une véritable insulte à ce grand penseur ! La traduction dans les deux langues est en cours ; elle est effectuée par des traducteurs professionnels. Cordialement.

    30 janvier 2013 - 19 h 55 min

    @Maleh, merci pour votre

    @Maleh, merci pour votre commentaire. L'interview a effectivement été filmée. Nous la publions d'abord en parties divisées par thèmes ; il y en aura 6. Puis, la vidéo, qui est en cours de sous-titrage (arabe et français), sera mise en ligne sur le site et sur Youtube, avec lien sur le site.

    30 janvier 2013 - 19 h 07 min

    Je considère une bonne chose
    Je considère une bonne chose que de publier l’interview. Néanmoins, je me demande pourquoi les rédacteurs n’ont pas simplement filmé cette dernière??? Ce qui lui aurait donné une authenticité et une crédibilité irréfutables???

    30 janvier 2013 - 16 h 43 min





    30 janvier 2013 - 16 h 08 min

    Thanks to Mr Imran . Thank
    Thanks to Mr Imran . Thank you for spreading the truth and honesty. God bless you
    we can only find peace when submitting to the one who created our hearts « Allah »
    et bien entendu je remercie monsieur M. Aït Amara pour tout ce beau travaille

    30 janvier 2013 - 15 h 41 min

    la traduction svp
    la traduction svp

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