Washington offre 25 millions $ pour la tête d’Al-Baghdadi

Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi. D. R.

Le chef du groupe terroriste Daech, Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, de son vrai nom Ibrahim Al-Samarrai, est sans aucun doute actuellement l’homme le plus recherché de la planète. Il devrait l’être davantage depuis que le Département d’Etat américain a augmenté sensiblement la récompense qu’il a fixée pour sa capture ou son élimination. Le département dirigé par John Kerry a annoncé vendredi, dans un communiqué, sa décision de porter cette prime à la coquette somme de 25 millions de dollars. C’est pratiquement près du double de ce qu’elle était. Le président américain Barack Obama espère que cette généreuse augmentation aidera à convaincre quelqu’un de mener les Américains à la cachette du chef terroriste.

Jusque-là, les services de renseignements américains et plus généralement occidentaux ont échoué à «neutraliser» le chef de Daech bien que sa tête valait 10 millions de dollars américains depuis 2011. C’est d’ailleurs durant la même année qu’Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi avait été classé par le Département d’Etat comme un «Specially Designated Global Terrorist», conformément à l’ordre exécutif n°13224. Le Conseil de sécurité des Nations unies avait également ajouté son nom à ceux figurant sur la liste de son Comité des sanctions de l’EIIL et d’Al-Qaïda.

Les spécialistes du terrorisme soutiennent que les Etats-Unis ont échoué à mettre la main sur Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, car celui-ci bénéficie certainement d’un bon dispositif de sécurité et qu’il jouit encore de la loyauté de sa garde rapprochée et de ses alliés tribaux. Contrairement à un Oussama Ben Laden qui, disent-ils, se servait souvent de médias occidentaux et arabes pour parler d’Al-Qaïda et expliquer ses objectifs, l’Irakien n’a été vu qu’une seule fois en public. C’était le jour de l’annonce depuis une mosquée à Mossoul de la naissance du «califat de l’Etat islamique». Depuis, mentionnent-ils, rares ont été les fois où il a été entendu. Et c’est souvent par le biais d’enregistrements audio diffusés par une agence de propagande liée à son groupe qu’il s’exprime. La dernière fois qu’il avait «discouru», c’était pour exhorter ses hommes à ne pas déserter le champ de bataille de Mossoul.

Le groupe terroriste autoproclamé Daech, héritier de l’Etat islamique en Irak et au Levant ou EIIL a d’abord connu une première période d’expansion fulgurante à partir de juin 2014. Cela a duré presque deux ans. Cela lui a rapidement permis de contrôler une bonne partie du nord de l’Irak et de l’est de la Syrie, modifiant au passage un tracé de frontières hérité de l’accord franco-britannique de Sykes-Picot. Il est ensuite entré dans une nouvelle phase, celle de son rétrécissement territorial en Irak et en Syrie. Daech a toutefois enregistré des ralliements de groupes terroristes dans d’autres pays de la région et en Afrique. Il a également revendiqué plusieurs attentats dans le monde arabe, en Europe et aux Etats-Unis.

Khider Cherif

Comment (25)

    el wazir
    20 décembre 2016 - 13 h 41 min

    25 millions ou 25 milliards,
    25 millions ou 25 milliards, c’est toujours l’argent du pétrole volé aux irakien. au début ils l’ont aidé parce qu’il a déclaré dans son discoure inaugurale que les juifs ne sont pas ses ennemis naturels mais c’est plutôt les régimes arabes du moyen orient. Dès que EL BAGHDADI s’est retourné contre les sionistes, c’est les américain qui se charge de le neutraliser

    20 décembre 2016 - 0 h 21 min

    Voici quelques extraits tirés
    Voici quelques extraits tirés d’une analyse faite par un EX agent des Renseignements Américain. Il est malheureusement en Anglais mais je laisse le soin aux responsables du site de bien vouloir faire la traduction s’ils jugent nécessaire.
    1er. Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi is Mossad(Simon Elliot). He has been pictured with John McCain during the initial phases of the Syrian Civil War when ISIS was made up of « freedom fighters » fighting Assad.
    Inside intelligence communities Mossad goes by the name of Isis (Israel Secret Intelligence Service) Look up the official website.. Coincidence?

    Everyone with half a brain knows it was a Washington backed coup and take down. They recently put $5 Billion into Ukraine! The majority of folk need to wake the f-up ..quit believing in Santa Claus and Walt Disney fantasies about America / England / The West. google search ‘pictures of Reagan Gorbachev’ –in seconds you will see two very happy men. That is because Reagan extended the hand of friendship and cemented solid relations with Russia in 1987 amid massive publicity with Gorby -many promises and hand-shakes. Happy days, smiling faces, the wall came down, Icbms were dismantled etc. It was described as a new era of friendship, peace and stability. The Bushes and drone man Obomber destroyed that hard won legacy. America went back on its word and expanded NATO eastwards. There is no meaningful threat from Russia, it has become a good nation. Putin is right and a good man now demonized by The West for geopolitical gains. Obama completely fooled me at the start -he’s a professional liar, as is Kerry, Biden, Brennan et al all playing an evil and murderous game, corporate imperialism / geopolitics -rule the world etc… while acting and lying to The People. Obama is a warmonger -a persuasive sweet talking psychopath continuing Bushes and the money powers filthy murderous work taking down the middle east countries and now Ukraine. He needs to be exposed as such and tried for war crimes along with Bush and the rest of the bucket of shit behind the 911 atrocities deliberately perpetrated on America to goad and manipulate Americans into war. Off the scale Evil on an unimaginable level is in power.
    Until recently Ukraine was part of Russia. Kiev was actually the capital of Russia 800 years ago! -see Wiki etc

    -If you are struggling to see the big picture or believe these truths -you won’t be after you read this -results of the Church Committee Congressional inquiry after Watergate


    1946: GREECE. Restore monarch after overthrow of Metaxas government. Successful.
    1946-1955: WEST GERMANY. Average of $6 million annually to support former Nazi intelligence network of General Reinhard Gehlen. Successful.

    1948-1968: ITALY. Average of $30 million annually in payments to political and labor leaders to supportanti- Communist candidates in Italian elections. Successful.

    1949: GREECE. Military assistance to anti-Communist forces in Greek civil war. Successful.

    1949-1953: UKRAINE. Organize and support a Ukrainian resistance movement. Unsuccessful.

    1949-1961: BURMA. Support 12,000 Nationalist China troops in Burma under General Li Mi as an incursion force into People’s Republic of China. Unsuccessful.

    1950-1952: POLAND. Financial and military assistance for Polish Freedom and Independence Movement. Unsuccessful.

    1950: ALBANIA. Overthrow government of Enver Hoxha. Unsuccessful.

    1951-1954: CHINA. Airdrop guerilla teams into People’s Republic of China. Unsuccessful.

    1953: IRAN. Overthrow Mossadegh government and install Shah Zahedi. Cost: $10 million. Successful.

    1953: PHILLIPINES. Assassination and propaganda campaign to overcome Huk resistance and install government of Ramon Magsaysay. Successful.

    1953: COSTA RICA. Overthrow government of Jose Figueres. Unsuccessful.

    1954: SOUTH VIETNAM. Install government of Ngo Dinh Diem. Successful.

    1954-1957: NORTH VIETNAM. CIA officer Edward Lansdale spends four years trying to overthrow the communist government of North Vietnam. Unsuccessful.
    During this period he was active in the training of the Vietnamese National Army (VNA), organizing the Caodaist militias under Trình Minh Thế in an attempt to bolster the VNA, a propaganda campaign encouraging Vietnam’s Catholics to move to the south as part of Operation Passage to Freedom, and spreading claims that North Vietnamese agents were making attacks in South Vietnam.

    1954: WEST GERMANY. Arrange abduction and discreditation of West German intelligence chief Otto John, and replace with Reinhard Gehlen. Successful.

    1954: GUATEMALA. Overthrow government of Jacobo Arbenz Guzman and replace with Carlos Castillo Armas. Successful.

    1955: CHINA. Assassinate Zhou Enlai en route to Bandung Conference. Unsuccessful.

    1956: HUNGARY. Financial and military assistance to organize and support a Hungarian resistance movement, and broad propaganda campaign to encourage it. Unsuccessful.

    1956: CUBA. Establish anti-Communist police force, Buro de Represion Actividades Communistas (BRAC) under Batista regime. Successful.

    1956: EGYPT. Overthrow Nasser government. Unsuccessful.

    1956: SYRIA. Overthrow Ghazzi government. Aborted by Israeli invasion of Egypt.

    1956-1957: JORDAN. Average of $750,000 annually in personal payments to King Hussein. According to United States government, payments ceased when disclosed in 1976.

    1957: LEBANON. Financial assistance for the election of pro-American candidates to Lebanese Parliament. Successful.

    1958: INDONESIA. Financial and military assistance, including B-26 bombers, for rebel forces attempting to overthrow Sukarno government. Unsuccessful.

    1958-1961: TIBET. Infiltrate Tibetan guerrillas trained in United States to fight Chinese Communists. Unsuccessful.

    1959: CAMBODIA. Assassinate Prince Norodum Shianouk. Unsuccessful.

    1960: GUATEMALA. Military assistance, including the use of B-26 bombers for government of Miguel Ydigoras Fuentes to defeat rebel forces. Successful.

    1960: ANGOLA. Financial and military assistance to rebel forces of Holden Roberto. Inconclusive.

    1960: LAOS. Military assistance, including 400 United States Special Forces troops, to deny the Plain of Jars bad Mekong Basin to Pathet Lao. Inconclusive.

    1961-1965: LAOS. Average of $300 million annually to recruit and maintain L’Armée Clandestine of 35,000 Hmong and Meo tribesmen and 17,000 Thai mercenaries in support of government of Phoumi Nosavan to resist Pathet Lao. Successful

    1961-1963: CUBA. Assassinate Fidel Castro. Six attempts in this period. Unsuccessful.

    1961: CUBA. Train and support invasion force of Cuban exiles to overthrow Castro government, and assist their invasion at the Bay of Pigs. Cost: $62 million. Unsuccessful.

    1961: ECUADOR. Overthrow government of Hose Velasco Ibarra. Successful.

    1961: CONGO. Precipitate conditions leading to assassination of Patrice Lumumba. Successful.

    1961: DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. Precipitate conditions leading to assassination of Rafael Trujillo. Successful.

    1961-1966: CUBA. Broad sabotage program, including terrorist attacks on coastal targets and bacteriological warfare, in effort to weaken Castro government. Unsuccessful.

    1962: THAILAND. Brigade of 5,000 United States Marines to resist threat to Thai government from Pathet Lao. Successful.

    1962-1964: BRITISH GUIANA. Organize labor strikes and riots to overthrow government of Cheddi Jagan. Successful.

    1962-1964: BRAZIL. Organize campaign of labor strike and propaganda to overthrow government of Joao Goulart. Successful.

    1963: DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. Overthrow government of Juan Bosch in military coup. Successful.

    1963: SOUTH VIETNAM. Precipitate conditions leading to assassination of Ngo Dinh Diem. Successful.

    1963: ECUADOR. Overthrow government of Carlos Julio Arosemena. Successful.

    1963-1984: EL SALVADOR. Organize ORDEN and ANSESAL domestic intelligence networks under direction of General Jose Alberto Medrano and Colonel Nicolas Carranza, and provide intelligence support and training in surveillance, interrogation and assassination techniques. Successful.

    1963-1973: IRAQ. Financial and military assistance for Freedom Party of Mulla Mustafa al Barzani in effort to establish independent Kurdistan. Unsuccessful.

    1964: CHILE. $20 million in assistance for Eduardo Frei to defeat Salvador Allende in Chilean elections.Successful.

    1964: BRAZIL, GUATEMALA, URUGUAY, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. Provide training in assassination and interrogation techniques for police and intelligence personnel. Inconclusive.

    1964: CONGO. Financial and military assistance, including B-26 and T-28 aircraft, and American and exiled Cuban pilots, for Joseph Mobutu and Cyril Adoula, and later for Moise Tshombe in Katanga, to defeat rebel forces loyal to Lumumba. Successful.

    1964-1967: SOUTH VIETNAM. Phoenix Program to eliminate Viet Cong political infrastructure through more than 20,000 assassinations. Infiltrated by Viet Cong and only partially successful.

    1964-1971: NORTH VIETNAM. Sabotage and ambush missions under Operations Plan 34A by United States Special Forces and Nung tribesmen. Inconclusive.

    1965-1971: LAOS. Under Operations Shining Brass and Prairie Fire, sabotage and ambush missions by United States Special Forces personnel and Nung and Meo tribesmen under General Bang Pao. Inconclusive.

    1965: THAILAND. Recruit 17,000 mercenaries to support Laotian government of Phoumi Nosavan resisting Pathet Lao. Successful.

    1965: PERU. Provide training in assassination and interrogation techniques for Peruvian police and intelligence personnel, similar to training given in Uruguay, Brazil and Dominican Republic, in effort to defeat resistance movement. Unsuccessful.

    1965: INDONESIA. Organize campaign of propaganda to overthrow Sukarno government, and precipitate conditions leading to massacre of more than 500,000 members of Indonesian Communist Party, in order to eliminate opposition to new Suharto government. Successful.

    1967: BOLIVIA. Assist government in capture of Ernesto Che Guevara. Successful.

    1967: GREECE. Overthrow government of George Papandreou and install military government of Colonel George Papadopolous after abdication of King Constantine. Successful.

    1967-1971: CAMBODIA. Under Projects Daniel Boone and Salem House, sabotage and ambush missions by United States Special Forces personnel and Meo tribesmen. Inconclusive.

    1969-1970: CAMBODIA. Bombing campaign to crush Viet Cong sanctuaries in Cambodia. Unsuccessful.

    1970: CAMBODIA. Overthrow government of Prince Norodom Sihanouk. Successful.

    1970-1973: CHILE. Campaign of assassinations, propaganda, labor strikes and demonstrations to overthrow government of Salvador Allende. Cost: $8,400,000. Successful.

    1973-1978: AFGHANISTAN. Military and financial assistance to government of Mohammed Duad to resist rise to power of Noor Mohammed Taraki. Unsuccessful.

    1975: PORTUGAL. Overthrow government of General Vasco dos Santos Goncalves. Successful.

    1975: ANGOLA. Military assistance to forces of Holden Roberto and Jonas Savimbi to defeat forces of Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA) during Angolan civil war, and prevent MPLA from forming new government. Unsuccessful.

    1975: AUSTRALIA. Propaganda and political pressure to force dissolution of labor government of Gough Whitlam. Successful.

    1976: JAMAICA. Military coup to overthrow government of Michael Manley. Unsuccessful.

    1976-1984: ANGOLA. Financial and military assistance to forces of Jonas Savimbi to harass and destabilize Neto and succeeding governments. Inconclusive.

    1979: IRAN. Install military government to replace Shah and resist growth of Moslem fundamentalism. Unsuccessful.

    1979-1980: JAMAICA. Financial pressure to destabilize government of Michael Manley, and campaign propaganda and demonstrations to defeat it in elections. Successful.

    1979: AFGHANISTAN. Military aid to rebel forces of Zia Nezri, Zia Khan Nassry, Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, Sayed Ahmed Gailani and conservative mullahs to overthrow government of Hafizullah Amin. Aborted by Soviet intervention and installation of new government.

    1980-1984: AFGHANISTAN. Continuing military aid to same rebel groups to harass Soviet occupation forces and challenge legitimacy of government of Babrak Karmal.

    1979: SEYCHELLES. Destabilize government of France Albert Rene. Successful.

    1980: GRENADA. Mercenary coup to overthrow government of Maurice Bishop. Successful.

    1980: DOMINICA. Financial support to Freedom Party of Eugenia Charles to defeat Oliver Seraphim in Dominican elections. Successful.

    1980: GUYANA. Assassinate opposition leader Walter Rodney to consolidate power of government of Forbes Burnham. Successful.

    1980-1984: NICARAGUA. Military assistance


    WAKE UP = Its over, do not trust or believe a SINGLE word these genocidal butchers say ever again



    UKRAINE = EXPANSION OF CRIMINAL BANKING EMPIRE SLAVERY SCHEMES -“There are two ways to conquer and enslave a country. One is by the sword. The other is by debt” –John Adams
    youtube The Rothschilds 500 TRILLION DOLLARS

    It is a fact that the Washington butchers recently put $5 BILLION into Ukraine before the coup regime came to power. It was a Western / Washington coup.

    THE PROOF; Listen to the details of a recorded conversation some months ago in which Victoria Nuland blows it for all to hear.
    A conversation between a State Department official and the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine
    In the recorded comments to U.S. Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt, Assistant Secretary of State for Europe Victoria Nuland is overheard saying:

    « So that would be great, I think, to help glue this thing and have the UN help glue it, and, you know, F*** the EU, » Nuland said.

    Nuland adds that she doesn’t think Vitaly Klitschko, the boxer-turned-politician who is a main opposition leader, should be in any new government.

    « So I don’t think Klitsch (Klitschko) should go into the government, » she says in the recording. « I don’t think it’s necessary. I don’t think it’s a good idea. »

    Nuland met on Thursday with Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych to discuss a solution to anti-government protests that have swept the former Soviet republic since November. They discussed political reform and possible further negotiations between Yanukovych and opposition leaders, his website said.

    U.S. officials, while declining to confirm the tape’s contents, did not dispute its authenticity.

    « I did not say it was not authentic, » State Department spokeswoman Jen Paski said.

    She said Nuland had apologized to her EU counterparts for the reported comments.

    The leaked conversation appears certain to embarrass the United States and fuel charges that the Ukrainian opposition is being manipulated by Washington.

    In the youtube audio, Nuland and Pyatt are heard discussing strategies to work with the three main opposition figures: Klitschko, Arseny Yatseniuk, former Ukrainian economy minister, and Oleh Tyahnybok, far-right nationalist opposition leader.

    Nuland refers to getting the United Nations involved in a political solution in Kiev.

    « So that would be great, I think, to help glue this thing and have the U.N. help glue it and you know … F*** the EU, » she says in the recording, which was accompanied by still pictures of people mentioned in the call…]

    News story; White house press office admitted cia chief visited Ukraine -snipped [ A source in the Ukrainian parliament has told the Russian Interfax news agency that CIA’s Director John Brennan recently visited Ukraine’s capital Kiev and had several meetings with representatives of Ukraine’s power-wielding agencies.]

    Who are The West??? ..This is not an Oprah Winfrey topic. Once you understand how the great mortgage scam works (explained below) it all starts to add up and becomes crystal clear that this is what the take down of Ukraine +all the other countries is about =expansion of their private Fiat money fakery scheme.
    We are run by a bunch of thieving criminals who would make the Mafia look like saints. The phonies loan out money they print out -called Fiat currency. They stole our exchange system centuries ago. They then offer jobs within their jurisdiction area to create and man their military -all geared up to expand THEIR fake fiat money jurisdiction areas = tyranny +dictatorship.
    Excerpt from ‘America; Freedom to Fascism’ -Russo on his documentary;

    [ « In 1913 America was a free country. Then a band of powerful bankers achieved their fathers’ and grandfathers’ goal and America has never been the same. Woodrow Wilson was our President at the time. This band of banksters bribed senators to pass the Federal Reserve Act. The Act was passed on Christmas Eve (as many senators were with their families) and it was done without the required constitutional amendment. This is how the Federal Reserve Act came into being. These Banksters understood: whoever issued the money for America would control the Government.
    Our Government gave these Banksters their most important power, and now had to borrow money from them and pay interest to finance our Government.
    This was the most diabolical fraud ever perpetuated on the American people.]

    Evidence; excerpt from the highly researched documentary ‘The Money Masters’ transcripts.
    [ Banker and former Presidential candidate Charles Collins is a lawyer, has owned banks, and served as a bank director. He believes we’ll never get out of debt because the Federal Reserve is in control of our money
    « Right now,it’s perpetuated by the Federal Reserve making us borrow the money from them at interest, to pay the interest that’s already accumulated. So we cannot get out of debt the way we’re going now »

    Economist Henry Pasquet is a tenured instructor in economics. He agrees the end is near for the U.S. economy. « No, not when you are adding roughly a billion dollars a day. We just can’t go on. We had less than 1 trillion dollars of national debt in 1980, now it’s $5 trillion – 5 times greater in 15 years.It just doesn’t take a genius to realize that this just can’t go on forever »

    The problem is we have one of the worst monetary systems ever devised – a Central Bank that operates independently of our government, which, with other private banks, creates all of our money with a parallel amount of interest-bearing debt. That’s why we can never get out of debt. And that’s why a deep depression is a certainty, for most of our citizens, whether caused suddenly in a severe economic crash, or gradually through continued relentless inflation.The Fed is creating it to enrich its private stockholders, just like it deliberately created the Great Depression the 1930s.

    The Federal Reserve headquarters is in Washington, D.C.
    It sits on a very impressive address right on Constitution Avenue, right across from the Lincoln Memorial.

    But is it « Federal »?

    Is it really part of the United States government?

    Well, what we are about to show you is that there is nothing Federal about the Federal Reserve, and there are no reserves. The name is a deception created back before the Fed Reserve Act was passed in 1913 to make Americans think that America’s new central bank operates in the public interest.

    The truth is that the Fed is a private (or best, quasi-public) bank, owned by private National banks which are the stockholders, and run for their private profit.
    « That’s exactly correct, the Fed is privately-owned, for-profit corporation which has no reserves, at least no reserve to back up the Federal Reserve to which are our common currency »- economist Henry Pasquet

    The Federal Reserve Act was railroaded through a carefully prepared Congressional Conference Committee scheduled during unlikely hours of 1:30 a.m. to 4:30 a Monday, December 22, 1913, when most members were sleeping, at which 20-40 substantial differences in the House and Senate versions were supposedly described, deliberated, debated, reconciled and voted upon in a near miraculous 4V2 to 9 minutes per item, at that late hour

    As author Anthony C. Sutton noted: « This miracle of speediness, never equalled before or after in the U.S. Congress, is ominously comparable to the rubber stamp lawmaking of the banana republics »

    At 4:30 a.m. a prepared report of this Committee was handed to the printers. Senator Bristow of Kansas, the Republican leader, stated on the Congressional Record that the Conference Committee had met without notifying them and that Republicans were not present, and were given no opportunity to either read or sign the Conference Committee report
    The Conference report is normally read on the Senate floor. The Republicans did not even see the report. Some Senators stated on the floor of the Senate that they had no knowledge of the contents of the Bill

    At 6:02 p.m.,December 23rd, when many members had already left the Capitol for the Christmas holiday, the very same day the Bill was hurried through the House and Senate, President Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 into law.
    The Act transferred control of the money supply of the United States from Congress to a private banking elite. ]

    quote -« When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men living together in society, they create for themselves in the course of time a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it »-Fred Basiat 1800’s political analyst and author of The Law.



    This is how the great mortgage con works -the gold std is long gone -It’s called ‘Fiat’ money which is created at the click of a mouse AFTER the victim has signed to repay an I owe you PROMISSORY NOTE CONTRACT -example signed mortgage or loan papers, including MULTI BILLION DOLLAR bailouts.

    The house represents the new money which does NOT yet exist.The borrower signs to borrow money which does not yet exist -Blink and you’ll miss it.
    Certain Mr bankers in the winky-bankers-club have themselves ‘charters’ to convert promissory note contracts into brand new money.They stole our exchange system centuries ago and socially engineered societies to accept their ways and frauds by control and duress or f**-off.
    So getting a house mortgage -somewhere in the chain a banker clicks his mouse ..hey-presto $200,000 or w/ever. We victims of course have to go work and create that money to repay them over the 20 years or so+interest.-At first many cannot believe this -that someone creates the means of payment for the loan OUT OF THIN AIR as legal tender -afterwards the bankers snout in+divvy up the interest repayments as what they describe as their BONUSES -all leeched off The People -on this conjured up magic-hat money which they created out of thin air in the first place -surely a lie? ..would never be allowed in a democracy like ours I hear you say. We’ve all been lied to and cheated the world over, by our own Governments and treated as quote « mentally incapable of comprehending » according to the Rothschilds -a family dynasty now estimated by some researchers at $500 trillion. In reality it is not a loan at all -It’s an evil sleight of hand deceitful CON -a criminal artifice and the financial rape of every citizen by select citizens with pseudo charters creating brand new money.


    Be terrified to learn what is being kept secret from The People.

    « WASHINGTON DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA » is the greatest CON in history. The phonies –so called International Bankers -annexed it from America by the unconstitutional ACT OF 1871 after the Rothschilds financed both sides of the civil war to regain control of the money supply –this after 7th president Andrew Jackson rescinded their charter and threw their bank out of America in 1836. Check it out –It is not even a State -It’s a 10 sq mile CORPORATION ZONE with restricted rights +the private money powers then seized every citizens birth certificate as collateral +all gold in the Roosevelt bankruptcy deal 5th June 1933 –this after THEY CAUSED the bankruptcy. Americans then became their economic slaves with limited rights. Their fakery has been loaning out FIAT MONEY for mortgages+military which does NOT exist until the borrower signs to repay it. Not one person in a thousand can figure it out –and so we live and die ignorant of our slavery and their lies –tricked into joining their corporate army to help them expand their empire model and control their jurisdiction areas.

    We have discovered that The United States, Canada, Australia, The United Kingdom, Ireland, France, Italy, Brazil, Japan, South Africa and the list goes on –are all US-based corporate entities, registered as such with the United States Security & Exchanges Commission -and operating as such at our expense. “The system” is oligarchical in nature, in that it is geared only to profit “the few” while the rest of us work to support it.

    They need a charter in each country to roll out their Fiat money fakery. This is what is occurring in Ukraine, Syria,Libya,Iraq etc right now -beat the shit out of them –get a regime change -then an agreement which includes holding the birth certificates of every citizen as collateral against the yet to be conjured up Fiat money loan ‘dollars’. Tax/Profits go to the Rothschilds et al phonies (so called International Bankers aka the money changers of Biblical infamy) -move on to the next country +so on. We are living in a time of undeclared world war and dictatorship dressed up as humanitarian and democracy lies.
    Today again there is a bloodbath in Iraq –the WASHINGTON D.C phonies are telling Maliki –we will not help you –you either tow the line and follow our policies or go.

    They are converting our signatures on the loan forms into these trillions we hear of as I owe you Promissory Notes =Legal Tender -thereby enslaving us to work within their racketeer monetary syndicate jurisdiction world -complete with whip-hand type laws. The money-powers have written the laws which allow them to commit this industrial scale fraud through their control and manipulation of Govts -a major part of the Con, »it’s legal » -though no Citizen in their right mind would allow the terms of their CHARTERS
    They FIXED THE PROGRAM = WIN-WIN for themselves -so voting is a complete waste of time regards to money.

    « The process by which money is created is so simple that the mind is repelled.-The study of money, above all other fields in economics, is one in which complexity is used to disguise truth or to evade truth, not to reveal it » John Kenneth Galbraith -adviser to Roosevelt, Kennedy,Johnson. -Money from whence it came)

    Learn to separate fact from fiction; CIA confessional quotes; « We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false. »– William Casey, CIA Director (1981)

    « I have put thousands of Americans away for tens of thousands of years for less evidence for conspiracy with less evidence than is available against Ollie North and CIA people. . . .
    I personally was involved in a deep-cover case that went to the top of the drug world in three countries. The CIA killed it. »
    -Former DEA Agent Michael Levine CNBC-TV, October 8, 1996

    « The connections piled up quickly. Contra planes flew north to the U.S., loaded with cocaine, then returned laden with cash. All under the protective umbrella of the United States Government. My informants were perfectly placed: one worked with the Contra pilots at their base, while another moved easily among the Salvadoran military officials who protected the resupply operation. They fed me the names of Contra pilots. Again and again, those names showed up in the DEA database as documented drug traffickers. When I pursued the case, my superiors quietly and firmly advised me to move on to other investigations » -Former DEA Agent Celerino Castillo -Powder Burns, 1992

    « The CIA worked very closely with them and United States supported Saddam Hussein at every level – gave him arms, gave him money, gave him political backing, the military helped him; none of this is really fully understood by the American people. » – Peter Camejo

    Want to know the CIA inside story on taking down the Pam Am Lockerbie plane? read [ Susan Lindauer: Lockerbie Diary-Gadhaffi, Fall Guy for CIA Drug Running ]

    The CIA have never been an intelligence organisation. The CIA’s motto is to protect American business interests. The CIA cherry picks its intelligence to suit its business goals.


    General Wesley Clarke (4-star) once head of NATO forces (Supreme Allied Commander Europe of NATO from 1997 to 2000) was told back in Gulf War One days -that ‘they had about 12 years to clean out the soviet client countries’ -he says it kinda went over his head at the time as he was in ‘being a soldier frame of mind’. Now he is telling us how things really are. Wake up folks ..The truth about 911 -who done it and why +why the planet is turning into a madhouse run by Zionists and money powers. NATO is one enormous fraud -it is an extension army of the money powers

    youtube; Wes Clark America’s Foreign Policy « Coup » (3m)

    Retired 4-star General Wesley Clark says he was told 2 weeks after 9/11 « They planned to take down 7 countries in 5 years;
    ”We’ve got about five years to clean up the Soviet client regimes »

    CIVIL WAR ALERT Get schooled up -only way to win. Besides Mr Obama is waiting at the gates of hell with a welcome party

    youtube; Wake Up Call 2013: Obama DHS Prepares For Civil War
    says…Senators John Mccain and others are pushing for a bill that will turn the whole of America into an army battlefield zone, quote « The homeland is part of the battlefield and people can be held whether an American citizen or not »

    Says ..DHS -purchased 2,700 mrap vehicles and over 1.6 BILLION rounds of hollow point ammo banned under Geneva Convention in warfare (but good enough for Americans) +7,000 fully automatic assault rifles and unknown quantities of drones. Perspective; approx 70 million rounds of ammo a year used in Afghanistan / Iraq.
    Wake up and smell that cordite
    When it comes down to it the phonies will order the mowing down of Christians and any civilians who disobey

    19 décembre 2016 - 19 h 20 min

    En plus de l’Avoir entrainé
    En plus de l’Avoir entrainé et avoir aidé à créer Daech , avec l’aide des pays arabes sunnites de la région, ils

    veulent nous faire croire à la blancheur du corbeau ces amères loques.

    Hier c’était ben Laden , et aujourd’hui el baghdadi ,,,etc , etc, etc,

    Le monde musulman ne relèvera plus jamais la tète pour les siècles des sciecles.

    Aujour’dhui l’ambassadeur de Russie à ANKARA a été assassiné par un policier turk en faction par l’ordre sous

    l’ordre du gourou Erdogan. C’est un acte terroriste manifeste que viens de commettre la tue-qui ? ( Turquie)

    contre la RUSSIE de POUTINE. Une déclaration de guerre manifeste , en somme.

    Le monde rentre dans une guerre , comme hier à SARAJEVO , quand l’Archi Duc de l’empire AUSTRO

    HONGROIS avait été assassiné par un extrémiste SERBE.

    Le monde va vers un nouveau conflit sans fin.


    19 décembre 2016 - 13 h 29 min


    19 décembre 2016 - 11 h 42 min

    ils se croient à la conquête
    ils se croient à la conquête de l’ouest
    Alors que c’est eux qui ont créé toute cette racaille terroriste

    19 décembre 2016 - 11 h 13 min

    le point faible des arabes et
    le point faible des arabes et certains musulmans;l’argent,pour quelques dollars ils sont capable de vendre leurs propre famille;et pourtant leurs religion dit le contraire;l’argent ne va aux paradis; SADAM pour moins que ça a été vendu;je pense aussi pour el baghdadi;n’est pas pour longtemps;il sera vendu par ses proches;

    19 décembre 2016 - 10 h 03 min

    Vous le savez et les
    Vous le savez et les américains le savent aussi ce terroriste se trouve a QOM en Iran et tout le Monde est au courant que son dernier discours a été enregistré a Qom .

      19 décembre 2016 - 11 h 48 min


      Va raconter ta blague ailleurs, ici tout le monde est vacciné à part quelques taupes comme toi

        19 décembre 2016 - 14 h 30 min

        Réveille toi ! c est l
        Réveille toi ! c est l ambassade de l Iran a Alger qui a utilise le lasers avec des écrits dans le ciel d Alger en 1988 ou on lisait Dieu est avec le Fis ce qui obligea al Rajel de l ALGERIE ZEROUAL A ROMPRE LES RELATIONS AVEC TÉHÉRAN ,, ESPÈCE D UN KHOROTO

    19 décembre 2016 - 9 h 51 min


    19 décembre 2016 - 9 h 29 min

    Cet offre de 25 millions de
    Cet offre de 25 millions de dollars par la CIA pour la tête de Baghdaddi,n’est qu’une tromperie,cette manœuvre sert en réalité à allumer d’avantage la pègre islamiste riche en pétrodollars afin de gonfler ses effectifs un peu partout dans le monde Arabe.

    19 décembre 2016 - 7 h 41 min

    Mais, sincèrement, « ils » nous
    Mais, sincèrement, « ils » nous prennent POUR QUI ???

      19 décembre 2016 - 8 h 38 min

      Du moment qu’ils ont réussi à
      Du moment qu’ils ont réussi à faire croire au film du 11 Septembre puis au grotesque canular de la « noyade » de Ben Laden , ils continueront à manipuler aussi grossièrement .

    19 décembre 2016 - 6 h 14 min

    Non mais franchement qui
    Non mais franchement qui pensent-ils duper les amerloques?
    Leur agent est bien à l’abri sans doute déja aux USA, ils nous prennent pour qui???

    19 décembre 2016 - 1 h 03 min

    Vous nous prenez pour c..s
    Vous nous prenez pour c..s où quoi ? baghdadi c’est votre création , votre frankenstein !

    19 décembre 2016 - 0 h 09 min


    La Cigale
    18 décembre 2016 - 19 h 14 min

    Selon un employé de la CIA,
    Selon un employé de la CIA, al-Baghdadi (ou plutôt Simon Elliot) est un agent du Mossad

    L’ex-agent de la NSA Snowden révèle que la CIA américaine et l’Intelligence Service britannique ont collaboré avec le MOSSAD israélien pour créer une organisation terroriste capable d’attirer tous les extrémistes du monde entier en un seul et même endroit, suivant en cela une stratégie nommée “nid de frelons”.
    La stratégie du “nid de frelons” vise à centraliser les principales menaces terroristes en un seul endroit dans le but de les contrôler et, le plus souvent, les utiliser pour déstabiliser les pays arabes.
    Les documents de la NSA que possède Edward Snowden révèlent que le calife de Daesh, Abou Bakr al-Baghdadi, a reçu une intense formation militaire auprès du MOSSAD israélien et qu’il travaille donc pour l’impérialisme américano-sioniste .
    En plus de sa formation militaire, il aurait reçu des cours de communication politique de façon à attirer d’autres futures « terroristes ».
    Al-Qaïda et ses descendances proviennent en fait des frères musulmans fondés par les Anglais en 1928, et repris par la CIA après la deuxième guerre mondiale.
    Selon les révélations à vérifier d’un ancien cadre d’al-Qaïda, Abou Bakr al-Baghdadi s’appelle en réalité Simon Elliot. Il serait de père et mère juifs, et confirmerait qu’il a bien été formé par le Mossad

    18 décembre 2016 - 18 h 45 min

    «  » » » »Washington offre 25
    «  » » » »Washington offre 25 millions $ pour la tête d’Al-Baghdadi » » » » » »
    La bonne blague des Amérloque, elle est exélente celle la !!! looool
    Pourquoi ce mensonge, puisque cette personne travail étroitement avec eux !!!
    Ca m’a bien fait rire !!!!

    18 décembre 2016 - 18 h 31 min

    L’administration Oblabla veut
    L’administration Oblabla veut expédier les affaires courantes, aucune casserole ne doit trainer…

    18 décembre 2016 - 18 h 07 min

    pour le mettre à l’abri oui
    pour le mettre à l’abri oui bien sûr puisque c’est leur fabrication. Ne croyez jamais un sioniste quel qu’il soit. Balak ya kho
    ils nous prennent pour des moutons sans cervelle.

    18 décembre 2016 - 13 h 53 min


    Je pense que le dénommé Al Baghdadi, se dénoncerait lui-même pour cette somme .
    Je conseillerais aux Américains de balancer sa « dépouille » dans l’espace car l’histoire de la noyade de Ben Laden ….franchement seuls les imbéciles heureux y croient encore !!

    AH si je savais...
    18 décembre 2016 - 12 h 54 min

    ah si je savais où se cache
    ah si je savais où se cache ce rat d’égout ( hacha les rats ..) : je l’aurais vendu pour 1 dollar symbolique pour sauver l’humanité de ce fou furieux !

    18 décembre 2016 - 12 h 46 min

    Bien sur ; c’est par leur
    Bien sur ; c’est par leur bénédiction qu’il est introuvable s’il veulent l’avoir c’est très simple ;il suffit de vouloir pour pouvoir.donc cette couleuvre est incompatible pour l’avaler; wallilhadith misene

    18 décembre 2016 - 12 h 29 min

    Pourquoi 25 millions? Il
    Pourquoi 25 millions? Il suffit de lui envoyer une invitation ou bien un ordre de rentrer au bureau c’est si simple non?

      18 décembre 2016 - 18 h 47 min

      Mort de rire !!!!!
      Mort de rire !!!!!

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